Manteca Martial Arts - Martial Arts & Fitness for All Ages!

Friendly atmosphere and welcoming smiles

Patrick Ho

My name is Patrick Ho. I am fifteen years old, a sophomore, attending Manteca High School. I am currently a math tutor at MHS, a black belt at the International Self-Defense Institute of Manteca, and I also help instruct at ISDI Manteca.

I have done martial arts for six years under the guidance and teachings Sensei Mark Cameron and Sensei Courtney Meyer. I can say, from personal experience, that studying martial arts at the International Self-Defense Institute has given me the most useful tools to apply in life. Before studying martial arts, I had no sense of respect, self-confidence, or determination.

Respect is a big part of what we learn at the martial arts studio. Respect for our parents, elders, peers, and ourselves. Without respect for others, you can never earn any respect. That is a valuable thing that some of us has forgotten and all of us must share.

The confidence that this martial arts studio had given me is beyond measure. If it were six years ago, I would never have imagined myself demonstrating a technique in front of a class of twenty people; not only do I do that now, I’ve made an eighth grade graduation speech in front of hundreds of parents and students. It was something that I would never have done if I hadn’t taken martial arts. Plus it had led me to become more enthusiastic about asking questions in school and making plenty of new friends.

Determination is one of the things I am most grateful for. The will-power that Sensei Mark Cameron has taught me through this well designed program has shaped me into a stronger person. It has gotten me through lots of tough times. Whenever I’m on the verge of quitting, I remember the wise words of my teacher, “You can never lose if you never quit. Just keep going at it and you will get it someday.” Sensei Mark Cameron has taught me the true meaning of a winner. Winners are those that don’t quit and I will remember that throughout my life.

These are only some of the things that have I gained throughout these six years of training. I am mainly thankful for all the wisdom that my instructors had given me. Not only that, but the sense of a family I feel whenever I come in to train. The friendly atmosphere and welcoming smiles are also a plus.