
Read what our parents and students think about us

Below you will find reviews and testimonials from current and former Manteca Martial Arts students and their parents in Manteca, CA.

We pride ourselves on being recognized as a Top Rated Martial Arts School by We hope that your experience on our website is friendly and easy to use.

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Johnny V

I took martial arts as a teenager, right up until the time I had a devastating knee injury. I figured that would be it for me so I never went back and pretty much gave up on the idea. While at one of Manteca's street fairs I talked to the people at the MMA booth and it started me thinking, maybe I could? What's the harm in trying? I can leave if I feel I can't physically take it and the trial is free. I went into the Dojo, watched a class and talked to one of the Senseis. I found out that my age (59 at the time) didn't make any difference and physical issues could and would be worked around, so I started my free trial. That "trial" was a year and a half ago and I'm still going almost every night. Don't get me wrong, you will get a good workout. It's amazing how much it's helped my balance, strength, flexibility and cardio endurance. I feel so much better physically and mentally, it helps with stress relief and even works my memory at the same time. No pressure, I focus on making progress not perfection and have come a long way in just this short time. So if you think your too old or can't physically handle it, think again, you just may surprise yourself. While researching on line "Am I'm I tool old for martial arts?" I found this quote: "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the next best time in now". It is so true. Johnny V.

Kamal Pannu

My kids love this place.

Patty Turk

My son was enrolled with a different dojo a few years ago and he lost interest after 2 weeks, that’s pretty much the pattern that he had with everything he showed interest in. It would only last long enough for my money to be spent on registration and equipment and then DONE. Since joining MMA, it’s been very different. I see motivation, confidence, commitment, and happiness. He looks forward to training every week and I’m so proud to see him growing through this program. We love Manteca Martial Arts!

Patrick Ho

My name is Patrick Ho. I am fifteen years old, a sophomore, attending Manteca High School. I am currently a math tutor at MHS, a black belt at the International Self-Defense Institute of Manteca, and I also help instruct at ISDI Manteca. I have done martial arts for six years under the guidance and teachings Sensei Mark Cameron and Sensei Courtney Meyer. I can say, from personal experience, that studying martial arts at the International Self-Defense Institute has given me the most useful tools to apply in life. Before studying martial arts, I had no sense of respect, self-confidence, or determination. Respect is a big part of what we learn at the martial arts studio. Respect for our parents, elders, peers, and ourselves. Without respect for others, you can never earn any respect. That is a valuable thing that some of us has forgotten and all of us must share. The confidence that this martial arts studio had given me is beyond measure. If it were six years ago, I would never have imagined myself demonstrating a technique in front of a class of twenty people; not only do I do that now, I’ve made an eighth grade graduation speech in front of hundreds of parents and students. It was something that I would never have done if I hadn’t taken martial arts. Plus it had led me to become more enthusiastic about asking questions in school and making plenty of new friends. Determination is one of the things I am most grateful for. The will-power that Sensei Mark Cameron has taught me through this well designed program has shaped me into a stronger person. It has gotten me through lots of tough times. Whenever I’m on the verge of quitting, I remember the wise words of my teacher, “You can never lose if you never quit. Just keep going at it and you will get it someday.” Sensei Mark Cameron has taught me the true meaning of a winner. Winners are those that don’t quit and I will remember that throughout my life. These are only some of the things that have I gained throughout these six years of training. I am mainly thankful for all the wisdom that my instructors had given me. Not only that, but the sense of a family I feel whenever I come in to train. The friendly atmosphere and welcoming smiles are also a plus.

Angelina Martinez

Before my daughter started attending Manteca Martial Arts she was taking dance classes which she wasn’t very interested in. As soon as she started the class dojo she was very excited and now can’t wait to go to class! She loves learning new techniques. And it has really helped her overcome her shyness.

Anna & Nicolas Rosales

Our daughter Elizabeth has been a student of the Manteca Martial Arts for about 4 years. We are so happy that we have had her join she has learned so much. We definitely recommend Manteca Martial Arts for anybody it’s really one of the dojo that really show discipline both Sensei Mark and Sensei Katie and Sensei Ryan are all very knowledgeable. We definitely recommend Manteca Martial Arts. Nicolas & Anna Rosales

Jaylin Brooks

My daughter has been a student at MMA for a couple months now and she absolutely loves it. Her confidence is continuously growing in multiple areas. I have a changing schedule and Sensei Mark is very helpful in allowing us to make up classes when space allows. The learning environment is great for young kid just starting out.

Tonya Ross

My son has been training at MMA now for a couple years and I would DEFINITELY recommend Sensei Mark and the whole MMA group as a phenomenal Karate, self defense, martial arts training and really- LIFE TRAINING for my child. I really think Sensei Mark's motto "A Dream is a Goal With a Deadline" speaks to the nurturing environment of MMA. It is SO much more than just karate and physicality. The instructors are truly mentors that are helping to shape the mind and emotional health of the students. My son has(and continues to) learn respect, commitment, courage, self discipline, and so much more! When I first enrolled my son here at MMA, he was being bullied at school. I will never forget how Sensei Courtney met with him one on one after training one day spending time listening and giving my son the strength, wisdom, knowledge, and mostly just a real sense of personal empowerment to help him overcome the situation. AND THEN - he also went out of his way to follow up with us to make sure the situation was being resolved. The commitment of Sensei Courtney and ALL the instructors here is amazing and I feel very lucky that my son is growing, training, and learning here. I definitely recommend MMA to anyone with children(young or old) and adults as well!! Sensei Mark Cameron and Manteca Martial Arts is definitely the best place train - not just your physical self but your mental self as well! Give them a shout out today! I hear they have a free trial deal!***That is how I started my son- he didn't think he would like it at first. now a couple years later and a confident blue belt starting junior high, he is striving for his black belt with pure determination!***

Leticia Bergmann

I would like to encourage any parent to bring their children or teenager to Manteca Martial Arts. Our son has been attending since he was in 3rd grade and is now 9th grade high school. Sensei Mark and Mrs.Jaimie are truly amazing and deeply care for everyone. Our son has matured and grown and learned to focus and persevere. Manteca Martial Arts in my opinion is truly a investment. Thanks again to Sensei Mark, and all other Sensei’s that work along his side at his dojo. Thank You .

Leslie Buchalter

My name is Leslie Buchalter. I am the founder and director of Adventures Through Open Minds Science Club for Kids. I have a background in teaching Anatomy and Physiology at the Junior College level as well as tutoring and teaching science to young children for over 33 years. I have two children who are now 18 and 21 years old. I would like to state the powerful influence that Sensei Mark Cameron had on both of my children during their most important formative years of ages three to thirteen. Sensei Mark taught my children martial arts for ten years. During that time he was the most important mentor in both of their lives. I not only made sure that they took martial arts class three days a week on a year round basis, but in addition, and what turned out to be possibly even more important to their personal development, were the private one on one lessons each of my children took on a weekly basis. I gave them this weekly private lesson to ensure they would have a chance to receive Sensei Marks incredible gift of guiding young children's minds to learn: 1) to respect them self as well as the laws and morals of society 2) to be kind and patient to their fellow students and 3) to seek wisdom in order to discover their dream and then have the courage to tenaciously pursue it. In the karate school each students black belt hung on a wall with the words above them "A DREAM IS A GOAL WITH A DEADLINE." Because of Sensei Mark my son became a black belt martial arts instructor. In addition to that profession he is also going to college. The words of wisdom and training by their Sensei Mark still, to this day, have a strong influence on both of my children. For example, this year my son in a speech class took martial arts as has topic to speak on and took first place in a Bay Area public speaking competition. I hope my words are helpful in explaining who I have come to know as one of the most wonderful teachers a child could ever have the good fortune to be taught by.

Monika B. Ragni

Excellent place to go! My son has been a member since Sept 2010 and we have been VERY pleased with his involvement. He has always been a good kid, but at 6 & now 7, he has a lot of energy to release! This has not only given him a great outlet but the discipline taught & expected here has worked very well with his young impatience. We are proud to watch him grow & succeed thru his ranks. MMA starts with as young as 3 yrs old with their Tiger program & also have adult classes available. They focus on (forgive my spelling/misspelling?) Shaolin Kempo & Shotokan Karate and do NOT require contracts! They also offer a free week of classes so that you and/or your child may get a feel for the environment....please tell them Ray Martinez referred you! We love them! Sensei Mark and Sensei Katie are fantastic. My daughter has grown leaps and bounds since she started! They're patient and work not only on karate, but the importance of being a good, kind, well rounded human being.


Hi My son Patrick has been a student here since sept. 2021 and he loves it . I love the overall message that the dojo stands for. Respect, and discipline. I actually went to a bday party there when we first moved here and I inquired about the dojo, he’s also got quite a few friends who attend from school. I love that they are learning to fight so they don’t have to fight. Also they just don’t get the next belt because they have passed their test, they need to be respectful at home and also be doing good in school in order to move on to the next step. Overall we are very happy with his performance and the dojo.